martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Designing a Yin-Yang symbol (tangencies)


Two elements (circles or arcs + other circles or arcs or even straight lines) are tangent when they have a common point called the point of tangency. This word has latin roots: the word TANGERE literally means to touch=TOCAR in spanish. 
Algo tangible (misma familia que tangere) es algo que puede tocarse.

In this particular project we are going to work with circles and arcs.
To do so, it is essential to notice that the centers of the arcs are going to be aligned with the point of tangency (as you can see on the picture below). This is one of the fundamental properties of tangencies.

We are going to use the yin yang symbol because it is an application of simple tangencies and it´s quite easy to do.


In the video bellow you can find a brief explanation of the ying and yang theory (only till minute 2:09). In order for you to do the next project you need to know something about it.

 This assignment has two parts:

FIRST PART (after watching the video)

  • As usual, we are going to draw 4 sketches so that you can pick the best one (2 days). Use colour pencils, watercolour, markers...

Download the worksheet and print it out.

Notice that you have more symbols than needed. You may use the other two if you wish, or in case  you make a mistake. Remember that you need to create, at least, four different sketches.

If you don´t have the opportunity of printing the worksheet, you can draw your own symbols following the steps given on this video (use the same dimensions). There´s no need to draw more than four...



  • Choose the best of these sketches and draw it on a basik sheet of paper (DIN A4). Multiply the dimensions given on the video above by two or use a smaller radius (8 cm is ok) following this other steps.



These are examples of what I would like you to get...

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