Complementary colours are pairs of colours which, when combined, cancel each other out. This means that when combined, they produce a grey-scale color like black.
When placed next to each other, they create the strongest contrast for those particular two colours. Due to this striking color clash, the term opposite colours is often considered more appropriate than "complementary colours".
In the traditional RYB colour model, the complementary/opposite colour pairs are red & green, yellow & violet, and blue & orange, though these pairings fail the modern definition of complementary colours, as they produce a brown colour when combined.
We want to use complementary colours to fill four rectangles with different shades of each pair of opposite colours. Don´t forget that secondary colours are made out of two primary colours as well.
It is also important to take into account that to get a balanced composition you have to choose the right quantity of each colour of the pair depending always on its brightness.
More or less it could work the way you can see in the image bellow.
Here you have some beatiful bookmarks. The artist is Laura Santamarca McNeill
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