viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019


Spanish version

Click on the image below to know the diference between stars and star polygons and how to get them.

Let´s see how to draw inscribed regular polygons:

Joining the vertices the way you can see below it is posible to draw star polygons.

Here you can find some examples of what I´d like you to do:

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Constructing regular polygons given one side

Link to the exercise (Mongge)

Line, ray and line segment

Thales´Theorem (measuring the Pyramid)

If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
According to some historical sources the Greek mathematician Thales applied the intercept theorem to determine the height of the Cheops' pyramid
Thales measured the length of the pyramid's base and the height of his pole (a long stick). Then at the same time of the day he measured the length of the pyramid's shadow and the length of the pole's shadow.

sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2019

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019


Last year we were working on, at least, 6 of the 7 elements of Art. We are going to use them on this project just to remember them all.
These are the seven elements of art (if you click on the image you will find a video with a brief explanation of each element.

They are the basic building blocks of making art.
So how exactly does an artist use the elements? Working as an artist and creating an artwork is similar to being a chef and cooking a meal. The chef uses a list of ingredients combined together in certain amounts to produce a unique recipe. The artist uses art elements and combines them in different ways to create a unique piece of art. The elements of art are like the ingredients in a recipe. Sometimes artworks contain only one or two elements. Sometimes they have all the elements of art. One thing is certain, however. There would be absolutely no art without the seven elements of art.

Linked to the image you can find a video with a brief explanation of each element.

Divide the worksheet into two equal parts. On one half you will have to use technical tools (set of squares, compass, ruler, protractor...), on the other side you have to draw completely freehand. Make sure that there are no lines dividing the picture.
Use colours, textures and shading to enhance it (3D).
Use markers, colour pencils, and your fine liners...

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019


We are going to draw an urban landscape using isometric projection. To do so, you will need to use a grid paper. Don´t forget to include at least one circle in perspective, such as the ones you´ve already done inscribed in a cube.
Use colour to enhance the three-dimensionality.

You can find  more examples on the presentation above

Inés T 2º ESO C
Diego A 2º ESO C

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Isometric Projection

During this term we are going to work on perspective. First of all and after watching the video and the presentation to figure out the axonometric projection fundamentals, you´ll be given a handout to desing and draw 3D solids using SketchUp.

View more presentations from

You will use three values of the same colour, the way you can find on this achromatic scale.
A good choice could be to pick numbers 3 for the darkest side of the cube, 1 for the lighter part and 5 for the intermediate side. If you have slanted surfaces beware to choose another value according to the position of the light source.

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2019


This is the website where you can draw amazing flipbooks. Make sure you finish it in one go, otherwise you will have to start over.

Publish your project on the gallery and send the url to me so that I can upload them all ;)

María C
Laura C
Nani S
Paula C
Alejandro P
Paula Casla
Lucía F
Laura S
Jaime P
Jorge E

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019


To find out more information about the origins of cinema click on the image below

What is an animation?

Animation is a moving action of a sequence of still pictures. Each of these still pictures depicts a part of a whole action at a time. When these pictures are run and viewed in a sequence of high speed, they produce the illusion as if they were moving in a continuous sequence. For example, producing a bouncing ball action within a 10 frame animation : the ball first starts from the left upper corner, then drops to the middle and bounces to the right upper corner at the end. The 10 still pictures will be drawn as follows. When these are run and viewed at high speed, e.g. one tenth of a second per frame, you will see the ball bouncing as intended. For those elements which are intended to be still in the animation, just draw them in the same position throughout the 10 animation frames, e.g. like the goal in the bouncing animation. They will appear still when the animation is run. The quality of an animation can be improved by increasing the running speed or by increasing the quantity of the still pictures used. 

Remember that drawings need to be flipped on the disc so as to reverse back the flip caused by the reflector drum.