viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Using the heal tool (GIMP)

GIMP is a multi-platform photo manipulation tool. GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. TheGIMP is suitable for a variety of image manipulation tasks, including photo retouching, image composition, and image construction.

The majority of the models we see on the media have been digitally altered.
We’ve all seen ads featuring impossibly beautiful people. Most advertising is aspirational: show customers the ideal, the person they want to be — the person they could be, if only they had your product - and motivate them to buy.
But what if “impossibly beautiful” isn’t a metaphor? What if it’s literal?

Well, in an increasing number of countries there are laws about that. Your image may be slapped with a warning label.

The Healing Tool is a close relative to the Clone Tool, but it is more smart yo remove small failures in images. A typical usage is the removal of wrinkles in photographs. To d so, pixels are not simply copied from source to but the area around the destination is taken into account before cloning is applied.

 Here you have the picture that we are going to use now. Download it and save it to the desktop. Once you finish upload it to your Google Drive folder (the one you´ve shared with me) as xcf (the native extension of GIMP) to let me see the layers you have been working on.
The second part is to choose another picture on the internet to improve it the way you´ve done here.

Here you have the video as well. Download it and this way you won´t depend on the internet connection.